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At Lighthouse Hospice it is important to us that our patients have an individual experience. As a hospice volunteer you can help with that by utilizing your skills, compassion and creative side.
Administrative work
Assisting with mailings
Initiating projects with patients
Play a board or card game
Singing to Patient
Plant seeds
Water plants
Paint nails
Color & Paint
Go for a walk
Pet therapy

Betty and Charlotte our
volunteer therapy dog​
Sit with a patient & be present
Talk with a patient
Various forms of music
Helping with the memorial celebration
Making memory bears
Making blankets
Help a patient open their mail
Help a patient write letters
Last hour companionship so nobody dies alone
Watch sports, a favorite show, or a musical with patients
Read to a patient (poetry, books, scripture)
Work on crafts scrapbooking, dream catchers, ornaments, any craft you can think of!
Write down a patient's story
Providing respite for family members
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